8 Ways to Develop Persistence

Be specific about the timeline in which you want to achieve your goal. When failure occurs, keep your mind set on the goal, patiently put in more time.
  1. Have a specific timeline.
    • If you’re working toward a goal, be specific about the timeline in which you want to achieve it. While a timeline will give you a specific roadmap for your success, it will also help you gauge your progress at certain intervals. A timeline tells you what tasks take to complete as well as determine the actual time it takes to complete those tasks. A timeline is critical to keeping you persistently on track.
  2. Place prominent reminders around.
    • You live a busy life that is impacted by many distractions. Distractions are all around you. To counter distractions, you need to put reminders around you. If your goal is to acquire a certain object, put a picture of that object on your mirror, on your fridge, and on your desk. If your goal progress can be charted, create a progress chart and put it on the wall. Visual reminders can help you remember what you want and focus on what you need to continue to do.
  3. Commit to doing a little bit.
    • The easiest way to lose motivation to persistent is when you attempt to do too much at once. Taking on too much can lead to disappointment and discouragement. Instead of attempting to leap forward, commit to taking one or two steps forward. Commit to doing 15-30 minutes of solid, positive work 3 times a week. Experience the small wins of completing those small tasks. These small steps will add up to big goals. Remember, you climb even the tallest mountain one step at a time.
  4. Reward yourself for persisting.
    • Your big goal may take months to manifest. Your persistence should not be in vain. It is also progress. To persistently move forward, enjoy the journey by rewarding yourself along the way for the effort and progress you’re making. Identify incremental victories and recognize them. Let yourself appreciate the work you’re doing along the way. Celebrating the small victories help motivate you to keep going to reach the end goal!
  5. Persist beyond failure.
    • Failure and setbacks happen. These are often reasons people use for quitting. To develop persistence, you must accept that failure will occur, but plan to continue despite failure. You must see failure as simply the universe’s way of telling you to modify your methods. So, when failure occurs, keep your mind set on the goal, patiently put in more time, adjust your strategy, and work ever more diligently.
  6. Realize the amount of time required.
    • Persistence is the firm continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Usually, that course of action must continue over a great deal of time. When you realize achieving your goal requires time, you’ll be more content to persist. Great achievements take time to attain. You have to be willing to cultivate the soil, plant the seeds, water the seeds, and nurture the plants, all over time, before harvesting the fruit.
  7. Stay positive.
    • The road to success is not easy. It can be frustrating to feel as though you’re making no progress. Negative thoughts like doubt can creep in. However, always put your best foot forward in each task. Take your next action expecting positive results. Regardless of past disappointments, always remember tough times don’t last but tough people do. Each new day arrives for you to do even better than before.
  8. Get an accountability person/team.
    • If you’re only accountable to yourself, you may excuse yourself for not being persistent. Yet, when you’re accountable to someone else for doing what you say you would do, you get stuff done. So, share your goal and plan with someone or a group of people who will expect you to do what you plan. Tell them about your commitment and let them know you will be accountable to them. When you have someone else who will hold you accountable, you’re more likely to persist on your path to success.
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Today is your fresh start

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