
Ride the momentum

Momentum provides the energy to fuel other necessary efforts that can push you to further accomplishments.

Momentum is defined as the strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events. Momentum is key to success. It provides the energy to fuel other necessary efforts that can push you to further accomplishments.

Taking consistent actions is an essential way to create momentum, even if they are small actions. Those small accomplishments will eventually lead to bigger accomplishments. The key is you’re experience forward movement and positive energy. So, allow the momentum to push you to make extra effort. Ride the momentum.

Like a surfer who catches a wave and uses its energy to propel him toward the shore, you should stay on board and ride your positive wave out. Leverage the positive energy and see what more can be accomplished. Take that momentum as far as possible.

Riding the momentum for success means increasing the things that move you forward, keeping the energy flowing in the right direction, and compounding positive action upon positive action—allowing achievement to multiply. So, stay busy, remain inspired, and ride the momentum to your goal.

— Al Anderson

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“I read the paper every day and the Bible every day; that way I know what both sides are up to.” — Zig Ziglar

I read the paper every day and the Bible every day; that way I know what both

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