Frogs in a pit

While a group of frogs were traveling through the woods, two of them fell into a deep pit. The other frogs gathered around the pit and immediately declared that the two were as good as dead because of how deep the pit was.

Despite the discouragement from the crowd, the two frogs tried to jump out of the pit with all their might. However, the other frogs kept telling them to stop, insisting that they were as good as dead.

One of the frogs eventually gave up, and he fell down and died.

Nevertheless, the other frog continued to jump as hard as he could, ignoring the discouraging comments from the crowd of frogs. Finally, he jumped even harder and made it out of the pit successfully.

He was deaf.  He thought the other frogs were encouraging him the entire time.

Choose a positive attitude
Choose a positive attitude

Choose a positive attitude

A positive attitude reminds you that you can achieve whatever you choose despite

Never Satisfied

Never Satisfied

A Jewish lady is standing on the beach as her grandson plays in the water